Ever since the age of 15 I’ve felt a calling from God; to love, to serve, and get out of my comfort zone. It was hard to believe at the age of 15 that God chose me to show his love in other countries but I couldn’t imagine my life without this calling. Here I am almost 20 years old hearing another calling to serve in another country but to take a team with me. At first I doubted myself of being a leader of a team but I realized God has been equipping me since I was 15.

I am proud and humbled to say next spring we will be serving in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!
I am so excited to serve this beautiful country and be a light to those who need it
For this trip we will be serving with the organization called love volunteers!

They are an organization that allows people to serve in so many different countries and serve in so many ways! You can work with orphanages in Zambia, India, Guatemala, Nepal, and so many more countries. You can teach English you can help the community, build schools, serve special needs children, and help animals. So many different ways to serve! This organization is amazing and I asked if we could go as a team and they said “definitely”! God has called us to serve in Brazil in March 2019, a group of us said yes and are willing to serve wholeheartedly. We will be serving at a program for a week that gives free childcare to parents who are willingly trying to get out of poverty and or going back to school. We will be engaging and loving on the children the whole week we are there. Each of us that are going has a reason why we said yes to go but as a team we are going to show Gods love and be light in the lives of the children. God has commanded us to love others like he loved and we will take initiative!
We recently had a Zumba fundraiser for Brazil and we will be having other fundraisers like selling Pura Vida bracelets and t shirts!
Serving others is an amazing thing and it’s a blessing to be able to serve out of the country.
Some are called next door, across the state, or across the country, but some are called to the nations!
Can’t wait to share more blogs about preparing for this trip and the experiences. I will keep you guys updated on the fundraisers! Check out this cool video from love volunteers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyo9uoyJeFU
Enjoy your week!
Sending love – Megan Carolina
Love many.
Seek to serve.
Accept adventure.