Ever since I could remember I loved animals, my family grew up with animals. We had Dogs, Horses, Chicken, Hermit crabs, Goats, Cows, Fishes, and even Bunnies! I wouldn’t want to hurt a fly…but I was so unaware of animal testing. I didn’t even think of it or knew it existed. So when I was informed about it I was honestly shocked. I remember I was with my friends and I was putting on my lipstick from MAC and she told me “You use MAC; they test on animals.” I was shocked and didn’t even think a company would want to harm animals. After finding that out I discovered so many other companies that tested on animals! As soon as I found that out I decided to become cruelty free for two reasons; reason number one being I don’t want any of my products that I use every day to harm animals in any way. Reason number two is if the things big name companies are putting in the product is so sketchy that they’re testing on animals to make sure it’s okay for human use I DO NOT want it.
I am not forcing anyone to be cruelty free I just want everyone to be aware because I was so unaware.

Animals being tested on:
and many more!
Where to go for animal testing/being cruelty free:
As a blogger I love going to other bloggers websites and I love https://www.crueltyfreekitty.com you can download a file on her blog and it’ll give you a list of cruelty free items! She also writes blogs about vegan products so check out Suzi’s site!
I also visit https://www.peta.org information about animal testing or updates on what’s going on with it. Peta has a lot of information and is very helpful.
I’ve been cruelty free since October 2016 and I love it! Knowing that I’m using products that don’t test on animals and are a lot better for me is a great feeling!
Next week tune in for the products that I personally use…have an amazing week!
Sending Love – Megan Carolina