Just like that it’s august! We are officially in month 8/12 can y’all believe that? July literally flew by and I was wanting my summer to slow down but I am so ready for august because birthday month has now begun! That being said I want to set the tone for this month, This is the last full month of summer and a lot of things can be coming up for us. It might be a new semester, a new job, or getting on track for the summer but whatever you will be facing lets be motivated! Think of all the places the rest of the year could take you, all the new people you’re going to meet, and new opportunities.

I want you to set 3 goals for the rest of the year and it could be whatever kind of goal you would like! I’ll share my goals with you 1. Travel to one more place before the year ends
2. Get more viewers on my blog.
3. Get A/B’s this school year.
Now I have motivation to get things done and achieve my goals, we can do this! Your August mountain is waiting so get on your way!
What to expect on my blog this month:
o Annoucning what country I’ll be serving in next spring.
o Packing tips.
o How to have a successful semester.
o 2 Surprise blogs!