Ready or not I am officially 20! I have so much mixed emotions… I am excited to be another year older but at the same time I am so nervous for what the future brings. Being on this earth for 20 years I’ve learned a few things so without further a due here is 20 things I’ve learned by 20!
1. Target – I am proud to say that target is my go to. Whether you need milk, storage containers, gifts, school items, or anything target is the place. Don’t go searching place to place when target has all you need in one big space!
2. Everyone is at their own pace - Coming out of high school I felt so behind on school and or felt like I was going to take forever to graduate college. Reality is everyone is at their own pace, some people might graduate early while other will take a few extra years and that is okay. I had to tell myself it’s not a race.
3. Be extra – Live life by being extra! It’s not a bad thing at all if you want to add more to your outfit or be extra for your birthday. DO IT!
4. Give – As I grow older I find that giving is so so rewarding. Whether it’s your time, money, or love giving is so much better than receiving. It fills up your heart and brings you joy.
5. Mix your style – I’ve learned that having one style isn’t fun, I rather just have many different styles in my closet. One day I’d wear something more casual then next thing you know I wear something very extra with big earrings. Don’t just stick to one thing express yourself in many forms!
6. People change – Going through many years of school you go through so many friends that change and it sucks. People do change and even you change, there is nothing you can do about that. But when people change you have to look at it as glass half full and think “okay maybe there was a reason we aren’t friends anymore”. Also the friends you meet during college are there to stay!
7. Studying is a reward – Coming from a girl that hardly study in high school…studying in college is a blessing!! Whether you need to study at Starbucks for hours or for 30 minutes, studying brings rewards!
8. Spend on traveling – One thing that I do not mind spending on is traveling. It’s beautiful thing to be able to experience other cultures or see how other people live, buy a plane ticket to anywhere! Yes, they can be pricey but the memories will be priceless.
9. Treat yourself – This is probably one of my favorite things I have learned as I got older. If you’re working hard or had a rough day don’t feel bad wanting to get yourself something! When you work hard for certain things you got to play harder! Plus, parks and rec taught me first!
10. Find friends that brunch – As you get older you start going to brunch more often and obviously you want to go with your girlfriends. Friends who brunch together stay together!
11.Self-care – whether you want to do a quick face mask, get a pedicure, or do yoga self-care is in many forms. Take this more seriously as you get busy or you feel stressed it will literally boost your confidence.
12. Donate your hair – I’ve found that when I donate my hair I don’t regret it at all, I know as girls we freak out a few weeks after we cut it. But ever since I was in high school I started donating it and I love it!
13. It’s okay to be different – When you ‘grow up’ you realize that you don’t want to be like everyone else, you want to stand out from the crowd. I wish I can go back to my freshman year self and say be different than everyone else.
14. Yearly doctor visits – I don’t know if it’s because I feel accomplished when I visit my doctors or it’s because I have asthma so I need my inhaler but I love vising the doctors once a year. Makes me really feel like an adult.
15. Your mom was right – Growing up your mom tells your certain things like that dress is too short, those aren’t a good group of friends , or just things in general my mom was right. Sometimes I tell myself “why does my mom have to be right” when I look back on things but she was so true.
16. You don’t have to drink to have fun – I wish I could tell my senior year self this because now that I am a bit older I have fun doing other things. Why get drunk when you could have a girls night in or go shopping (shopping is my idea of fun). But hey I am not 21 yet so I might want a few mimosas during brunch.
17. Stand up for what you believe in – I think it’s so great to see people standing up for what they believe in. If you believe in a green environment, or think sea world is bad, or have an opinion on politics stand up for it! Tell everyone what you believe in or don’t because that’s what makes you special, just don’t get crazy.
18. Try new things – I used to think it’s too late for me to try new things but I was totally wrong, I just decided to start yoga and my blog! Don’t be afraid and start something new!
19. Live in the now – Sometimes I get so wrapped up on the future and I don’t enjoy the sweet moment that are happening now. Take a step back and enjoy who/what are around you because you never know how your life can change in year.
20. Be a go getter – Don’t sit around waiting for something to fall in your lap or let someone else do it be a go getter! Work as hard as you can and show other what you have in you. In school or at work don’t be afraid to strive hard, the success will be rewarding.

These are just 20 out of many things I learned so far and I can’t wait to see what else I’ll learn in my 20’s (I can’t believe I said 20’s). Stay tune for next week on my travel guide to Denver! Have an amazing rest of the week!
Sending love – Megan Carolina